Workforce Democracy & Fairness Act | Big Labor Bailout

By Fred Wszolek (originally appeared in Forbes Magazine) The recent news that Hostess Brands, an iconic company in business for 82 years, would be closing riled Americans and received significant news coverage.  The maker of Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Ho Ho’s has … Continue reading

Posted in Big Labor Bailout, Big Labor Bosses, EFCA, NLRB, Politics, Project Labor Agreements, Unions, Workforce Democracy & Fairness Act Tagged bakers union, bakery confectionary tobacco workers and grain millers international union, bankruptcy, bctgm, Big Labor, ding dongs, ho hos, hostess brands, Micro-unions, National Labor Relations Board, NLRB, strike, twinkies, union cronies, Unions, wall street journal

While many of us were eager to jump into the holiday cheer of turkey, family and friends this Thanksgiving season, Big Labor bosses were busily trying to ruin it.  Unfortunately, more than 15,000 employees of Hostess Brands, Inc. will likely … Continue reading

Posted in Big Labor Bailout, Big Labor Bosses, EFCA, micro-unions, Politics, Project Labor Agreements, Unions, Workforce Democracy & Fairness Act Tagged Big Labor, big labor bosses, black friday, breitbart, holiday, holiday season, hostess, hostess brands, thanksgiving, twinkies, Union Bosses, wal mart, wall street journal, washington post

By Fred Wszolek Today, Americans awoke to the news that an iconic American company will close its doors – costing 18,000 workers their jobs after thousands went on strike.  Labor bosses within the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers … Continue reading

Posted in Big Labor Bailout, Big Labor Bosses, Politics, Unions, Workforce Democracy & Fairness Act Tagged AFLCIO, american federation of labor and congress of industrial organizations, bakery confectionary tobacco workers and grain millers international union, bctgm, Big Labor, big labor bosses, ding dongs, gregory f. rayburn, hostess, hostess strike, icon, iconic, Richard Trumka, strikes, twinkies, union cronies, Unions, wonder bread

The Workforce Fairness Institute (WFI) today released the following statement in anticipation that the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is working overtime during the holiday season and in advance of labor radical Craig Becker’s term ending to reach decisions on … Continue reading

Posted in Big Labor Bosses, NLRB, Unions, WFI Letters, Workforce Democracy & Fairness Act Tagged Big Labor, Brian Hayes, Chairman John Kline, Craig Becker, Fred Wszolek, Jobs, Mark Pearce, NLRB, President Obama, WFI

In the court of public opinion, labor bosses have already lost, and in a few years, we might look back at NRLB rulings on matters such as “ambush” elections and Specialty Healthcare as the death rattle of Big Labor’s influence. And we’ll be proud for helping hasten that day. Continue reading

Posted in Big Labor Bailout, Big Labor Bosses, EFCA, Feature, NLRB, Politics, Unions, WFI Letters, Workforce Democracy & Fairness Act Tagged AFL-CIO, Ambush Elections, Americans, Big Labor, Boeing, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Congress, Craig Becker, Democrats, Dept. of Justice, EFCA, International Association of Machinists, Jobs, Labor Law, NLRB, Obama Administration, Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act, Quickie Elections, Supreme Court, Washington State, Workforce Democracy & Fairness Act

Dave Berry, the NLRB’s inspector general, told The Hill his office is aware of the allegations that the labor board’s lone Republican member, Brian Hayes, might have been offered something of value to leave his position. Hayes made a resignation threat in October to Mark Pearce, the board’s Democratic chairman, but has since decided against leaving the board. His resignation would have reduced the NLRB to two members, leaving it without a quorum and unable to render rulings or regulations, including a contentious rule that would speed up union elections that Hayes and many Republicans are opposed to … Continue reading

Posted in NLRB, Politics, Workforce Democracy & Fairness Act Tagged AFL-CIO, Becker, House Education & Workforce Committee, IAM, NLRB, Obama, Representative George Miller, South Carolina

It is virtually impossible to argue with any intellectual honesty that either “quickie” elections or “micro-units” would create a single job. Instead, they would place additional burdens on businesses resulting in lost jobs and closures. Continue reading

Posted in NLRB, Politics, Workforce Democracy & Fairness Act Tagged Business, Congress, NLRB, WFI Response, Workforce Democracy & Fairness Act

Board member Brian Hayes voted “no” saying the rule was unnecessary and that it would be impossible for him to consider a final rule and the validity of the majority’s rationale for it, none of which has been finalized, before Becker’s term ends. Last October, angered by Pearce’s and Becker’s expressed intention to abandon board processes and procedures to push through a final rule with insufficient deliberation and to deprive Hayes of the opportunity to write a dissent if he so chose, he threatened to resign. Continue reading

Posted in NLRB, Workforce Democracy & Fairness Act Tagged Ambush Elections, Brian Hayes, Craig Becker, Mark Pearce, quickie election, Wilma Lieb, Workforce Democracy & Fairness Act