Union Bosses to Striking Verizon Workers: “Torture Them” | Big Labor Bailout

We are no longer surprised by the depths to which union bosses will plunge in order to assert their job-killing agenda on American businesses. In a story breaking today, a recording has surfaced of a CWA union boss telling striking workers to harass and “torture” other Verizon employees as they try to do their jobs.

Incidents are continuing to crop up, no doubt at the direction of union bosses: Striking workers are blowing air horns and creating other distractions for employees at Verizon work sites, and earlier this month a striking CWA member placed his 12-year old daughter in front of a Verizon truck to block its path. None of this is surprising, particularly when you consider some of the tactics unions have employed in the past.

In the chilling recording reported today, CWA local union boss Chris Calabrese instructs striking workers that “it’s open season…torture them. Torture them with chants and noises.”

Watch the full video here:

Tense Verizon Strike Continues: MyFoxNY.com

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