SHOT/CHASER: McEntee On “Payback” | Big Labor Bailout


AFSCME President Gerald McEntee On “Payback”:

McEntee: “This is political payback, which does nothing to promote job growth or help the middle class.  This is nothing less than union busting at its most transparent, designed to deny workers a voice in the workplace.” (John C.Henry, “Largest Unions Pay Leaders Well, Give Extensively To Democrats,” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 3/3/11)

  • “American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees.  Membership: 1.5 million; assets: $78 million. AFSCME, one of the fastest growing unions in the United States, was founded in Wisconsin almost 80 years ago.  At union headquarters in Washington, 10 officers and employees receive more than $200,000 a year.  McEntee was paid $479,328 in salary and benefits in 2009.” (John C.Henry, “Largest Unions Pay Leaders Well, Give Extensively To Democrats,” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 3/3/11)

Just Last Week, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka On “Payback”:

Trumka: “This is payback to the big CEOs and to lobbyists that spent billions of dollars in the last election going after the workers in various states, whether it’s Ohio, Indiana, or other places.” (Richard Trumka Interview, MSNBC’s Morning Joe, 2/22/11)


Union Bosses Expect Political “Payback” From Obama Administration:

“Gerald McEntee, president of the influential American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, told The Washington Times in an interview that EFCA was ‘payback’ for the labor movement’s massive campaign effort for Mr. Obama and the Democrats.” (David R. Sands, “Labor’s ‘Priority’ On Back Burner,” The Washington Times, 12/29/08)