Despite having the rules rigged in their favor, Big Labor was dealt a serious blow in an attempt to unionize JetBlue pilots. In a recent union-organizing election, 58 percent of pilots voted against forming a collective bargaining unit. Recently, the … Continue reading
Posted in National Mediation Board Tagged FAA Reauthorization Reform Act of 2011, JetBlue Airlines, John Mica, NMB
The next Republican Presidential debate is on August 11 and with it comes a great opportunity for WFI members to ask questions and make their voices heard. Here’s Your Chance to Participate The organizers of the debate are accepting questions … Continue reading
Posted in Campaigns & Elections, NLRB, Politics Tagged Big Labor, NLRB, NMB, Right-to-Work
As we watch the economic situation in the United States worsen, we must focus on providing every incentive possible for job creators to continue making opportunities available for workers on every level. The worst thing our country could do would … Continue reading
Posted in National Mediation Board, NLRB, Politics Tagged Barack Obama, Boeing, NLRB, NMB
After a two-week unpaid furlough, the 4,000 workers sent home by Senate Democrats willing to play politics with their livelihoods will be heading back to work, along with tens of thousands more put out of work by suspended construction projects. … Continue reading
Posted in FAA, National Mediation Board, Politics Tagged FAA Reauthorization Reform Act of 2011, NMB, Senator Harry Reid, Senator Jay Rockefeller
The back-and-forth over the partial shutdown of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) continues as Congress gears up to leave town for August recess. In the latest development, Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) has rejected a bipartisan agreement to pass the House … Continue reading
Posted in Big Labor Bailout, FAA, National Mediation Board Tagged FAA, NMB, Senator Harry Reid, Senator Jay Rockefeller
According to the White House, President Obama met today with union bosses from the AFL-CIO to “discuss issues important to working families, including how to continue growing our economy and putting Americans back to work.” Isn’t that ironic? Policies favored … Continue reading
Posted in Big Labor Bailout Tagged AFL-CIO, EFCA, NLRB, NMB, Richard Trumka, Union Bosses
Senator Rockefeller continues hold the Federal Aviation Administration hostage in an effort to ensure that rules in union-organizing elections in the railroad and airline industry favor Big Labor. According the Associated Press, the cost of the FAA shutdown could exceed … Continue reading
Posted in National Mediation Board Tagged FAA, FAA Reauthorization Reform Act of 2011, NMB, Senator Jay Rockefeller
On Friday, the Federal Aviation Administration temporarily furloughed 4,000 employees because Senator Jay Rockefeller and Big Labor’s Congressional allies want to hand Big Labor another bailout. Fox News: Long-term funding authority for the FAA expired in 2007. Unable to agree … Continue reading
Posted in Big Labor Bailout, National Mediation Board Tagged FAA Reauthorization Reform Act of 2011, NMB, President Barack Obama, Senator Jay Rockefeller