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  • NLRB | Big Labor Bailout

    By WFI Staff Turns out, the United Auto Workers may have been violating state law the entire time they’ve been pushing for a muscular union in a Chattanooga, TN Volkswagen plant. The details are still emerging.  But, a little-known Tennessee law (now … Continue reading

    Posted in Big Labor Bosses, NLRB, Politics, State Coalitions, Unions Tagged Big Labor, big labor bosses, bill haslam, Card Check, chattanooga, chattanooga times free press, ellis smith, nashville, National Labor Relations Board, NLRB, Right-to-Work, secret ballots, senator mark green, tennessee, UAW, Union Bosses, union elections, United Auto Workers, volkswagen

    By WFI Staff The drama in Chattanooga keeps unfolding in a series of intriguing twists and turns of the United Auto Workers’ union own making.   UAW just couldn’t help itself, constantly attempting to harass, intimidate and coerce workers into signing unionization cards.  Fooling … Continue reading

    Posted in Big Labor Bosses, NLRB, Politics, Unions Tagged auto workers, Big Labor, big labor bosses, chattanooga, right to work state, tennessee, UAW, Union Bosses, United Auto Workers, volkswagen, vw

    By WFI Staff Now in week two of a federal budget impasse that’s left the government shut down, the Obama Administration is already playing games with the payroll.  In what can only be described as blatant payback, Obama is allowing federal … Continue reading

    Posted in Big Labor Bailout, Big Labor Bosses, NLRB, Politics, Unions Tagged Barack Obama, Big Labor, big labor bosses, essential, federal employees, federal workers, government shutdown, non-essential, Obama, obama white house, office of personnel management, opm, shutdown, union representatives, Washington Examiner

    Let the United Auto Workers tell it, and you’d think workers at the highly regarded Chattanooga, TN Volkswagen assembly plant were going head over heels for the Big Labor cartel.  Not so, says employee Mike Burton who managed to collect … Continue reading

    Posted in Big Labor Bosses, NLRB, Politics, Unions Tagged auto workers, Big Labor, Card Check, chattanooga, mike burton, secret ballot election, tennessee, UAW, United Auto Workers, volkswagen, vw

    As members of the venerable AFL-CIO converge on Los Angeles for their annual Big Labor pow wow, union bosses will attempt to fire up their beleaguered supporters with a long list of grievances against everyone from politicians in Washington to … Continue reading

    Posted in Big Labor Bailout, Big Labor Bosses, NLRB, Politics, Unions Tagged AFL-CIO, afl-cio convention, Barack Obama, Big Labor, Department of Labor, labor movement, los angeles, President Obama, Richard Trumka, secretary treasurer, Union Bosses, Unions, wages, White House

    by WFI Staff It’s tough to imagine a Labor Day that doesn’t work out so well for Big Labor.  After all, this is the time of year that not only ushers in the official end of summer vacation, but also … Continue reading

    Posted in Big Labor Bailout, Big Labor Bosses, NLRB, Politics, Unions Tagged AFL-CIO, american federation of labor and congress of industrial organizations, Big Labor, international longshor, international longshore and warehouse union, labor day, National Labor Relations Board, NLRB, President Obama, Richard Trumka, robert mcellrath, Union Bosses

    By Fred Wszolek In the National Labor Relations Board’s decision in D.R. Horton, which is currently pending before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, the employer is challenging the NLRB’s finding that it is a violation of … Continue reading

    Posted in Big Labor Bosses, NLRB, Politics, Unions Tagged Big Labor, class action, condition of employment, court of appeals for the fifth circuit, d.r. horton, federal arbitration act, National Labor Relations Board, NLRB, President Obama, richards v. ernst and young, Supreme Court, Union Bosses

    by WFI Staff Just when you think you’ve got it all figured out about the National Labor Relations Board, something else comes along and completely alters what you thought you knew about it.  Not only is it a fount for … Continue reading

    Posted in Big Labor Bosses, NLRB, Politics, Unions Tagged ben james, benjamin settle, Big Labor, Boeing, kitsap tenant services, Labor Law, Lafe Solomon, law360, National Labor Relations Board, NLRB, ronald hooks, u.s. district court, Union Bosses, Unions, washington federation of state employees

  • National Mediation Board | Big Labor Bailout

    By Fred Wszolek When the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) Acting General Counsel Lafe Solomon released the agency’s fiscal year 2012 operating report, he provided even more evidence that the NLRB is over-funded and there is absolutely no legitimate need … Continue reading

    Posted in Big Labor Bosses, National Mediation Board, NLRB, Politics, Unions Tagged Ambush Elections, Barack Obama, Big Labor, executive branch, Lafe Solomon, National Labor Relations Board, NLRB, President Obama, Union Bosses, union payback, White House

    In a recent interview on Main Street Radio’s “Battle Line with Alan Nathan” Georgia Senator Johnny Isakson points out that the National Mediation Board (NMB), filled with Obama Administration Big Labor friends, has sought to violate the Federal Aviation Administration Modernization and … Continue reading

    Posted in FAA, National Mediation Board

    Despite opposition from some labor bosses, the legislation appropriately requires the support of 50 percent of workers to conduct a union election, ensures that run-off elections are between the top two ballot recipients including the no-union vote, compels the National Mediation Board (NMB) to conduct public hearings in advance of significant rulemaking and requires the Government Accountability Office to audit the NMB every two years. Continue reading

    Posted in FAA, National Mediation Board, Unions, WFI Statement Tagged Essential Air Service, FAA, Fred Wszolek, Government Accountability Office, National Mediation Board, NMB, Passenger Bill of Rights, Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, Transportation

    You know the old saying: if at first you don’t succeed … file a complaint with the National Mediation Board (NMB) and complain in the press. Recent Big Labor pleas to the NMB fell flat when the board rejected their … Continue reading

    Posted in Big Labor Bosses, National Mediation Board, Unions Tagged Airplanes, Airport, Delta, Delta Airlines, Labor Law, National Mediation Board, NMB, Planes, Travel

    The Workforce Fairness Institute (WFI) today released the following statement in response to legislation introduced by Congressman John Mica ensuring there is fairness in airline and railway elections: “Legislation introduced by Congressman Mica impacting airline and railway workers ensures there … Continue reading

    Posted in Big Labor Bosses, National Mediation Board, WFI Letters Tagged Airlines, Airport, Plane, Railway, Railway Labor Act, Representative Mica, Train, Transportation, Union

    Despite having the rules rigged in their favor, Big Labor was dealt a serious blow in an attempt to unionize JetBlue pilots. In a recent union-organizing election, 58 percent of pilots voted against forming a collective bargaining unit. Recently, the … Continue reading

    Posted in National Mediation Board Tagged FAA Reauthorization Reform Act of 2011, JetBlue Airlines, John Mica, NMB

    As we watch the economic situation in the United States worsen, we must focus on providing every incentive possible for job creators to continue making opportunities available for workers on every level. The worst thing our country could do would … Continue reading

    Posted in National Mediation Board, NLRB, Politics Tagged Barack Obama, Boeing, NLRB, NMB

    After a two-week unpaid furlough, the 4,000 workers sent home by Senate Democrats willing to play politics with their livelihoods will be heading back to work, along with tens of thousands more put out of work by suspended construction projects. … Continue reading

    Posted in FAA, National Mediation Board, Politics Tagged FAA Reauthorization Reform Act of 2011, NMB, Senator Harry Reid, Senator Jay Rockefeller