Big Labor’s agenda is to force as many workers into a union as possible. They know more union members means more union dues. And more union dues means Big Labor can spend heavily to elect politicians who support this anti-worker, anti-jobs agenda.
And Big Labor will stop at nothing. United Auto Workers President Bob King is on the attack after the Michigan Department of Human Services announced an end to the unionization of home day-care providers.
But what is most striking is that workers were vocal about the fact that they never received the benefits for the union dues that were docked from their paychecks. Another stunning revelation that Big Labor is more focused on stockpiling their campaign coffers than helping the workers they claim they represent.
United Auto Workers President Bob King called the end of unionization of Michigan’s subsidized home-based child-care providers an “attack on working poor,” despite workers’ claims they never received benefits for the union dues that were docked from their subsidy checks.
Last week, the state Department of Human Services announced an end to the state’s agreement with Mott Community College that in 2006 created the Michigan Home Based Child Care Council, the agency whose job was to negotiate for the state with the child-care providers’ union. Back then, the UAW and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees worked together to form a new union, Child Care Providers Together Michigan, which represented child-care providers.
After March 18, union dues will no longer be collected from in-home day-care providers. The union agreement took dues from the subsidy checks of providers serving low-income families. Dues already collected have been passed on to the union, which means the state won’t be able to recoup them, state officials said.