Author: serpnames

  • GOP Presidential Debate Coming Thursday. View It on Fox News. | Big Labor Bailout

    The next Republican Presidential debate is on August 11 and with it comes a great opportunity for WFI members to ask questions and make their voices heard.

    Here’s Your Chance to Participate

    The organizers of the debate are accepting questions from the public. This is a perfect opportunity for everyone who cares about workforce fairness to make an impact! Submit your questions via Twitter to @Bret_Baier, and be sure to watch the debate to see if your question is asked.

    When: Thursday, August 11 at 9:00 p.m.
    Where: Ames, Iowa. It can be viewed on the Fox News Channel or
    Invited Candidates: Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann, Tim Pawlenty, Ron Paul, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, and John Huntsman

    Candidates Need to Address Our Issues

    With the economy struggling, this debate will clearly be focused on job creation and economic growth. Candidates need to address important workforce fairness issues like:

    “Quickie” elections – the NLRB has proposed cutting the time of unionization elections in a way that would rig them in favor of union bosses.

    Dept. of Labor “Gag Rule” – this proposed regulation would inhibit employers from seeking legal counsel and speaking out during unionization elections.

    Threats to right-to-work states – the NLRB’s threatens all right-to-work states with its actions against Boeing for creating jobs in right-to-work South Carolina.

    Micro-Units – the NLRB wants to allow Big Labor to create various bargaining units in one place of work, some as small as two people.

    This is a great opportunity to find out where those running for President stand on these issues.

    What kinds of questions can you tweet?

    • How would you change the pro-union bias that currently infects the executive branch?
    • How would you stop the federal government from targeting right-to-work states?
    • Will you support the rights of workers over the interests of Big Labor if you are elected?
    • What will you do to end Big Labor bailouts and grow our economy?

    These are just a few of the questions you can send to Bret Baier to show him the American public knows that standing up to Big Labor will help create jobs and restore our economy.

  • House Committee To Hold Boeing Hearing In South Carolina On Friday | Big Labor Bailout

    In the latest escalation in the fight between the NLRB and Boeing, Congress has stepped in.  On June 17, the United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform will hold a hearing in South Carolina to examine the much-disputed Boeing Decision.

    The future of Right-to-Work laws in America is on the line!

    • The federal government should not be telling companies how to run their business and penalizing employers that choose to locate in Right-to-Work states.
    • If the Boeing decision is allowed to stand, then Right-to-Work laws will be severely undermined.

    Watch live! Beginning at 12:30 p.m. ET. We will share the link as soon as it becomes available!

    What: Field Hearing entitled “Unionization through Regulation: The NLRB’s Holding Pattern on Free Enterprise”

    When: June 17, 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

    Where: Charleston County Council Chambers, the Lonnie Hamilton Building, 4045 Bridge View Drive, North Charleston, South Carolina

    Contact: (202) 225-5074

    This unprecedented federal complaint is an attack on Right-to-Work laws in every state. It should concern every American interested in workforce fairness.

    Check back for periodic updates.