September 14, 2015 202-677-7060
Scott Walker Takes On The Rogue NLRB
Washington, D.C. (September 14, 2015) – There is one candidate mentioning the detrimental effects that arbitrary policies like the ambush election rule and micro unions will have on the American workforce—Governor Scott Walker.
“The NLRB has become a rogue agency that is abrogating important workers’ rights and issuing economically damaging decisions in its quest for more union members. In the past year alone, new NLRB policies such as the ambush election rule and joint employer decision are dramatically and negatively changing the way American businesses operate. Through the new ambush election rule, unions will find it much easier to organize workplaces through shortened election timelines but by gaining access to personal employee contact information and by preventing workers from getting the information they need to cast an informed vote. In addition, the NLRB’s joint employer decision will singlehandedly change the American franchise infrastructure that creates thousands of small businesses and hundreds of thousands of jobs throughout various industries,” said Peter Schaumber, former NLRB chairman.
The time is now to bring these issues to the forefront of the 2016 presidential election and WFI applauds Governor Scott Walker for doing so. The Workforce Fairness Institute (WFI) urges other candidates to address this rogue NLRB.
The Workforce Fairness Institute is an organization committed to educating voters, employers, employees and citizens about issues affecting the workplace. To learn more, please visit:
To schedule an interview with a Workforce Fairness Institute representative, please contact Ryan Williams at (202) 677-7060.