This morning, Representatives Rob Andrews (D-NJ) and George Miller (D-CA) took to the pages of POLITICO in defense of partisan, unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats dictating to private businesses decisions that favor Big Labor.
Last month, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), led by Acting General Counsel Lafe Solomon, filed an unprecedented complaint against Boeing for building a manufacturing facility in the right-to-work state of South Carolina.
Senators Jim DeMint and Lindsay Graham are asking tough questions regarding this complaint that could result in lost jobs in their state. And the House Education and the Workforce Committee is doing the right thing by conducting Congressional oversight of this complaint. Legislation has been introduced in both chambers of Congress.
However, Representatives Andrews and Miller are criticizing Members of Congress for asking tough questions and said “attacks against the NLRB are turning congressional oversight into a farce.” But in 2007, shortly after becoming Chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, Representative Miller criticized the NLRB saying, “workers’ rights have been under near-constant assault in the years since the start of the Bush administration.” Should we categorize this criticism as “turning congressional oversight into a farce,” too?
So why do Representatives Andrews and Miller defend the NLRB’s pro-union advocacy? They have both received generations contributions from union bosses to endorse their radical agenda. Representative Andrews has received more than $1.7 million in contributions and Representative Miller has received more than $2 million in contributions from Big Labor. In sum, it only cost $3.7 million in political support for them to come to the defense of Big Labor. Big Labor expects “payback” in the form of legislation and regulation that forces workers into unions and interferes in the management decisions of private businesses.
Representative Miller is the chief architect of the Employee ‘Forced’ Choice Act, legislation that forces workers into unions, hurts small businesses and will cost our economy 600,000 jobs. And, Representative Andrews is a cosponsor of this job-killing legislation. Fortunately, this legislation has been rejected in Congress in the past. Now, the NLRB is carrying out the goals of this legislation via regulations and administrative rulings.
With the Boeing case, it’s important to ask if the NLRB would have filed this complaint had they located in a forced-unionization state, rather than a right-to-work state. Right-to-work states give workers a choice on whether or not they want to be in a union. This means less money for Big Labor to funnel to supporters like Representatives Andrews and Miller.
The National Labor Relations Board has a responsibility to remain neutral when addressing issues between unions and employers. But their actions show that their plan is to increase union power to the detriment of legitimate management and employee interests, including the interests of the country’s principal job creators, small business.
Representatives Andrews and Miller endorse this endeavor.
This entry was posted in EFCA, National Mediation Board and tagged Boeing, Craig Becker, EFCA, Lafe Solomon, NLRB, Payback, Representative George Miller, Representative Rob Andrews, Senator Jim DeMint, Senator Lindsay Graham. Bookmark the permalink.