In an interview with a local news station in Seattle, Washington, President Obama said he couldn’t weigh in on the pending complaint filed by his National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) against Boeing for locating a manufacturing facility in the right-to-work state of South Carolina.
Why not?
President Obama is accountable as chief executive of the Federal bureaucracy for the individuals he appoints to the NLRB, such as labor radical and Board Member Craig Becker and Acting General Counsel Lafe Solomon. Both, along with Chairwoman Wilma Liebman, are focused on bailing out Big Labor with rulings and regulations that will hurt right-to-work states and implement the goals of the failed Employee ‘Forced’ Choice Act. Therefore, it is disingenuous for the President to say he can’t comment on such an important matter.
As president, Mr. Obama has says his number one goal is get the economy on the right track and to support policies that create jobs. Unfortunately, the President can’t have it both ways. He can’t allow his job-killing NLRB to run amuck, while saying his policies promote job creation.
It’s time for Congress to step in and hold the Obama Board accountable for their actions.