WFI issued a letter of support today to Rep. John Kline, Chairman of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, in support of H.R. 2587, or the Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act. The letter is as follows (to download a copy of WFI’s letter, please click here):
Dear Chairman Kline,
We are writing to voice our vigorous support for H.R. 2587, the Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act.
Introduced on July 19 by Representative Tim Scott, H.R. 2587 seeks to prevent the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) from using it authority under the National Labor Relations Act to force a business to shut down and relocate.
This is simply an unacceptable level of power to put in the hands of any government body, especially one that is unelected, such as the NLRB, and can be controlled as you have observed by Board members who can be “unquestionably biased.”
On April 20, the NLRB reached out to file a complaint against the Boeing Company that brazenly ignores controlling legal precedent. Boeing was told that the jobs it created in the right-to-work state of South Carolina must be transferred to a unionized facility in Washington State. The underlying reasons for the agency’s unprecedented action remain opaque, since the NLRB is willfully obstructing Congressional oversight of this matter. To date, the NLRB has refused to provide relevant, substantive documentation of its motives, despite repeated requests.
No one questions the Board’s authority over unlawful labor practices when committed by an employer or a union, and the variety of other severe remedies the Board has available to it to make employees whole. But, the Board’s authority should not – must not – extend to having the power to tell a private company where it can locate its workforce. If the NLRB’s actions are confirmed, not only will thousands of jobs be lost in South Carolina, but it will set a terrible precedent for continued government’s overreach, with dire consequences for both employers and employees across the country.
Workers need to be protected, yes. At the same time, the business and regulatory environment must foster job creation and economic development. That is the only way our country will be able to truly climb out of the recent recession, generate growth and create the jobs needed to get our 14 million unemployed Americans back to work.
Unfettered government power – especially over something as fundamental to a business as where to locate its operations – does not create the business confidence necessary for companies to expand, invest and create jobs. The Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act would correct this by amending the National Labor Relations Act to prohibit the Board from dictating the location of a company’s workforce.
As an organization, we believe that the Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act is in the best interests of employers, workers and the economy as a whole. Once again, we strongly urge you to support this legislation. We thank you for your attention to this important matter.
Fred Wszolek
Workforce Fairness Institute (WFI)
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