Monthly Archives: September 2010

Ex-SEIU Leader Denies He Is Being Investigated

Andy Stern, former head of the Service Employees International Union, dismissed news reports that he was under scrutiny for a book contract and salary payments.

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FBI Investigates Prominent Labor Leader Andy Stern

The FBI and the U.S. Labor Department are investigating prominent labor leader Andy Stern in their probe of corruption at the Service Employees International Union.

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SEIU Denies Investigation Reports

An SEIU spokeswoman flatly denied an Associated Press and Los Angeles Times reports today that the union and its former president Andy Stern are subject to an FBI investigation.

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Hospital workers’ vote ends streak

Organized labor’s string of recent victories at area hospitals came to a halt when workers at Lee’s Summit Medical Center rejected union representation.

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Worker Freedoms Sidelined with Vote Against Senate Joint Resolution

Unelected members of an administrative agency single-handedly upended a very basic principle called “majority rule” meaning more than half of a unit must approve the formation of a union.

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Unionization – Ready or not, here it comes

The National Mediation Board approved a new rule last week that makes it easier to organize workers in the airline and railroad industries. Senate Republicans tried to oppose the change last Thursday, but failed in a vote of 56-43.

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Bennett Supports Big Labor Over CO Workers and Small Businesses

Senator Michael Bennet’s vote today to undo decades of “majority rule” in labor elections and grease the path to imposing unions on Colorado workers ends any pretense that Bennet is not comfortably in the corner of Big Labor.

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Reid Stands with Big Labor

It was disappointing to see Senator Reid side with Big Labor bosses and vote against workers on this issue, and choose forced unionization instead of a fair process.

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